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XL Productivity Appliance: Version 2.12 release


We are pleased to announce the release of the newest upgrade to the XL Productivity Appliance: software version 2.12. This is available as free upgrade on all version 2 systems (XL810, XL410)

Customers who configure their device for automatic upgrades via the XL Enterprise cloud should see the upgrade available icon on the WPI (Web Page Interface). If you would like the upgrade emailed to you for a manual upgrade, please contact us at

Heat Map Charts

Compare with color. Instantly spot problems.

Using color to visualize metrics is extremely effective for quickly spotting areas of concern – or areas where you are doing exceptionally well.

Choose from four different types of heat map charts: time (e.g., OEE over Time), dimension (e.g., OEE by Part), dimension over time (e.g., Utilization by Plant over Time), or dimension by dimension (e.g., Labor Efficiency by Asset by Team).

Powerful New Chronograms We’ve packed them full of useful new features. Complete redesign of the chronogram – with a huge array of new features:

  • Stack multiple chronogram strips with different data dimensions to clusters to visually discover patterns in your data.

  • New palette control to apply heat map colors.

  • New text overlay control to show dimension values and up to three metrics per event.

  • and more

Manual Run Detection Handy for applications with long cycle times. Eg Cutting, blending, mixing processes

For processes with long cycle times, it can often be better to control run detection from an external source running/not running signal, vs the normal count signal. Now XL provides three ways to externally control the run detector using:

  • Digital running/down input (typically from a PLC)

  • Barcode scan (typically by an operator)

  • XL API (typically through integration with other applications and systems)

Improvements for Changeovers New reports. New options. Delve deeper into changeovers with reason analytics. We’ve updated the Changeover deep dive page to include:

  • Pareto chart of changeover reasons.

  • Hierarchical table of changeover reasons with drilldown into individual events.

XL also now includes an option to start changeovers via digital inputs to ease integration with other systems.

Improvements for Reject Reasons New reports. New dashboard functionality. We’ve made reject reasons a full-fledged analytics dimension. This means they are available throughout the reporting interface, including custom dashboard tables and charts. We’ve also added new out-of-the-box charts to the Quality Loss deep dive page, including the ability to analyze rejects by production phase, production state, and shift.

Introducing Live Controls The fastest path to customisable dashboard perfection. The KPI and Chronogram elements now feature “live” controls. Live controls provide the shortest distance between your imagination and your dashboards by showing instant changes to elements as you make selections in their controls. You will love how easy this makes chronogram configuration – especially with their many new features.

Detecting State After No Production A subtle but useful improvement for operators. When a break or changeover ends, there is often a short period of time before running production can be detected. XL now assigns a temporary production state to this time and displays “Detecting… Run or Down” on the scoreboard to let the operator know that XL is automatically detecting the state. As soon as XL detects that the process is running or down, the scoreboard updates with the new production state and XL automatically adjusts the underlying event.

Additional Features

As always…lots of “smaller” improvements as well.

  • Discontinuous Events: If a changeover, down, or maintenance event (i.e., production) is split by a meal/break or meeting (i.e., no production) the two parts are now automatically treated as a single event.

  • Reject Reason API Support: You can now submit reject reasons with count quantities through the XL API to enable easy integration with other systems and applications.

  • Part Barcode Duplicate Scans: Scanning the barcode for a running part will now start a new part run for the same part. This enables running the same part twice in a row. It also enables changing part settings and having the new settings immediately take effect.

  • Scoreboard Format Options: You can now set the number of decimal places for cycle times (as well as percentages) displayed on the scoreboard, which is particularly useful for long cycle time applications.

  • Display Time of Day: There is now an option to display time of day on the scoreboard.


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