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XL Productivity Appliance: Version 2.20 release


This is another big release with lots of requested features included.

Below is a description of each new feature. You can also watch a video click here

Missing Down Reasons - More reasons to take action.

We’ve added a new color to our palette: Pink! In the Chronogram, Event List, and Table widgets, pink indicates down events where no reason has been provided.

You can now disable the missing reason prompt for your scoreboard, (which we only recommend if your operators are not responsible for adding reasons). Plus, you can also change the default down reason if you prefer something other than "Missing Reason".

With 2.20, it’s easier than ever to build an outstanding and actionable data foundation! Which brings us to our next new feature…Easy Entry of Reason, Production State, and

Improved Data and Comments Modification - Your data… not set in stone.

You can now modify production states, and add or modify reasons and comments directly from the Chronogram, Event List, and Table widgets.

For Chronograms, click on the event. For Event Lists and Tables, click on the vertical ellipsis to open the Modify Event dialog.

Audit Key Down Data Points - Your data completion hub.

Another way we’re helping you improve data completeness is through the new, built-in dashboard called “Audit - Down.” We’re making it super easy to:

  1. Quickly identify and update down events that are missing reasons.

  2. Add missing comments for long down events.

We recommend setting a policy that all down events longer than, say 30 minutes, should have an associated comment to capture context and insights.

Urgent Data Quality Notifications - Three common problems, one common solution.

Three of the biggest problems we see when auditing customer data are part runs configured with an incorrect Ideal Cycle Time, or the manufacturing process running with no Shift or Part ID. So, we elevated those three scenarios where they won’t be missed!

You’ll see an urgent data quality notification if XL detects one of the three scenarios mentioned above. XL will also notify your plant floor team of the urgent data quality issue via the XL scoreboard.

Enhanced and Expanded Comments - Thread your thoughts together.

Comments in XL are refreshed and refreshing, including updates to the Discussions UI, which is now called Threads.

You can also now use the filter live control in Tables and Event Lists to differentiate between events with and without comments - which is exactly what we do with the “Audit - Down” dashboard discussed above. Simply open the filter control and search for Count (Comments) in the Metrics section.

More Flexible Dimensions - Bring order to reports.

Congratulations to Production Day on becoming a full-fledged reporting dimension! Previously, you could create reports that aggregated data based on Day of Week, and you could create reports with date and time as a dimension. Now you can also create reports that explicitly aggregate data on single-day boundaries. Production Day is similar to a calendar day, except its boundaries align with your shift schedule, which is very helpful for reporting.

Enterprise Dimensions like Work Center previously had to come first in reports. Now they can now go just about anywhere in the dimension hierarchy. For example, you can create a table of OEE by Day by Work Center or Efficiency by Shift by Site.

Faster Page Loads. - Quick as a magic trick.

With some behind-the-scenes magic, such as virtual pings, progressive page updates, caching state, and more, report pages load faster. This is especially noticeable in environments where an XL device might be powered off or otherwise inaccessible on your network.

App Bar and Navigation - Just look up.

The Reports menu now places Dashboards front-and-center and all in one place. After all, they are the key to viewing your data your way.

Right next door, the App Bar now displays the name of the XL device to which you’re connected. This is especially useful when making data modifications that require you to be directly connected to the device for which you are changing data.

Email Reports - And more.

We worked behind-the-scenes to ensure that end-of-shift reports get sent from XL Enterprise as quickly as possible - as soon as all scheduled shifts are complete.

Additionally, XL will only capture unscheduled production as an unknown shift or part run when it detects that the process is definitely running. And, if XL does detect an unscheduled shift, it won’t group it with scheduled shifts in email reports and chronograms.

Digital Inputs - Input options. Uninhibited.

We’ve expanded what you can do with digital inputs - and made them easier than ever to configure. Options are categorized in three groups: Counts and Cycles, Manual Run Detection, and Production State. Plus, we added four brand-new options: Cycle Only, Run, Down, and No Production.

We also added a selection to automatically adjust input inhibit times based on the Ideal Cycle Time. This is handy if you have a wide variance in cycle times. And if you do happen to have very long cycle times, you can now enter inhibit times as long as one hour.

Time Schedule Events - Hit the ground running.

You can now configure scheduled events to end early if XL detects that the process is running or definitely running.

Managed Software Updates - Set it and forget it.

You can now centrally manage software updates in XL Enterprise for all of your XL devices (running version 2.19 or later).

You can configure a software update to begin right away, or to occur later, at a time of your choosing. In either case, you can also specify that the update not start for a given XL device until production is Not Scheduled.

Count-Based OEE Factor - Fine-tune OEE for multi-up applications.

The world of OEE in manufacturing is vast, which is why we’ve added an optional new factor into the OEE Performance calculation - based on the expected number of counts per cycle.

For example, an injection molding tool might be expected to produce 12 parts with each cycle, however due to a damaged tool, 9 cavities are utilized and 3 are not. In this example, the OEE Performance Count Factor would be calculated as 75%.

API Access for Scoreboard - Your plant-floor centerpiece.

The XL HD and XL810 scoreboards provide a flexible canvas for displaying data, so we added API access to enable integrating information from other sources into your plant-floor scoreboard view. (Note: XLHD not available outside of North America at this time)

watch a video of these 2.20 features click here


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