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XL Productivity Appliance: Version 2.17 release

We are pleased to announce another feature-packed software update for the XL Productivity Appliance has just been released. v2.17

A mix of new things for this release from improved dashboards, under the hood improvements and new metrics

XL Enterprise Custom Email Reports

Now you can customize shift reports that are emailed to you directly to you from XL Enterprise. Plus, you can easily include data from multiple work centers.

Laying out a custom email template will feel very familiar to anyone who has used XL dashboards, since we used dashboards as the model for laying out email templates. Simply add sections, select widgets (KPI, KPI Group, or Table), and configure them with live controls. You can then subscribe to reports generated from any email templates you create for whatever work centers you select. It’s easy. And powerful.

The KPI widget highlights the value of a single metric. When placed within an email template section, three side-by-side KPI widgets are automatically included so that they nicely span the width of the email.

The KPI Group widget shows values for multiple metrics in a compact format. Organize your metrics with headings and blank lines to create your perfect report. When placed within an email template section, two side-by-side KPI Group widgets are automatically included so they comfortably span the width of the email.

The Table widget comes in five varieties. Availability Events, Availability Reasons, Reject Reasons, and Part Run include one table for each work center. The Work Center table includes one row for each work center, providing you with a compact and customizable summary view of data with the ability to customize the metrics.

Filtering by Enterprise

One of the most highly requested features is filtering by Work Center.

In this release we added filter dimensions for Site, Area, and Work Center. These filters can be used when creating custom dashboards and when analyzing production data with built-in reports such as Advanced Analytics. For example, in this Table widget, Filling 1 and Bottling 1 are combined in an aggregated analysis.

Chart Widget Time Units Control

You can now change the granularity of time while viewing charts with a simple click of your mouse. This is a great feature for jumping between levels of detail. Go from fine-grained detail (Hours to Shifts) to the big picture (Days to Weeks) with a single click.

Ordinal Shift

Ordinal shift is a brand new XL dimension that automatically numbers each shift within a production day (e.g., "1st Shift of Day"), which makes it much easier to align shifts across work centers. For example, if different work centers have a different number of shifts, ordinal shift enables easy, time-based alignment and rollup across work centers.

Ordinal shift has also been integrated with the Time Range Selector (TRS). The updated TRS still makes it easy to create dashboards that compare recent Shifts (e.g., "This Shift" vs. "Last Shift"), while adding the new feature of staying time-aligned across work centers when traveling farther back in time. In other words, when traveling more than three shifts back, the TRS aligns on production day plus ordinal shift, such as “2 Days Ago 1st Shift of Day.”

Scoreboard Blank Lines

You can now configure one or more lines of your XL scoreboard to be blank. Simply go to Settings > Scoreboard > Fields, and choose <Blank Line> from the top of the Fields dropdown.

Why would you want to do this? Glad you asked!

It is a great way to reserve scoreboard space for information from external systems. The bolt-on software PiXL application makes it super-easy to integrate information from other systems directly to the XL scoreboard. PiXL also comes with a library of graphics - or you can create your own.


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